In recent years, home genetic testing kits have been growing in popularity, sometimes being bought as holiday presents or birthday gifts. For just a few hundred dollars, individuals have the option to spit into a tube, mail it back to the company in a conveniently...
A relatively new grading score, Leapfrog Grades for hospitals focuses solely on hospital safety. Just like assignment grades in school, The Leapfrog Group applies either an A, B, C, D, or F letter grade to make choosing the safest hospital as easy as possible for...
Over recent years, there have been a lot of discussions centered around physician burnout. Physician burnout is exactly as it sounds, overworked physicians in our current healthcare system experiencing burnout from working long, hard hours day after day. It has been...
Rising costs in healthcare seem to be the focus of discussion as of late due to the developments of new treatments, medicines, tests, and devices. However, leadership in medicine has risen in the ranks of importance over the years, especially in 2018 in the wake of...
There is an abundance of medical jargon that gets thrown about around patients. These technical terms often don’t do much more than confuse patients, which can result in more tension because of the uncertainty. This adds an extra layer to my job, as finding the most...