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Leapfrog Grades For Hospitals

Leapfrog Grades For Hospitals

A relatively new grading score, Leapfrog Grades for hospitals focuses solely on hospital safety. Just like assignment grades in school, The Leapfrog Group applies either an A, B, C, D, or F letter grade to make choosing the safest hospital as easy as possible for...
Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Others

Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Others

Staying on top of your health sounds like a very simple task. However, when life throws obstacles in your way, this can become a task that falls to the wayside. Finding time to take care of our own health can be extremely difficult when we are busy tending to the...
The Field of Pathology: An Introduction

The Field of Pathology: An Introduction

  As future doctors make their way through schooling, they are expected to find their speciality or niche. While many focus their passion on specific parts of the body, there are others who take on wide-ranging fields. One of those umbrella fields includes...